Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Holy May

Oh, but its been a while since updating this site. I say to myself, "For Shame!" I'd almost go as far as saying, "A pox upon you, Kevin!" but I won't, because i don't deserve such treatment, even from myself, and if i hear it from anyone, including YOU, they will suffer profoundly, and in every agonizing way i can possibly think of, and let me tell you my unworthy denizens, I can be very imaginative when it comes to punishing those who mock or take my name in vain. You have all been forewarned and admonished...but i digress..

I haven't been up to much of late I must admit, other than my everyday dull and tedious schedule of magnificent manifestations and building myself up by tearing ALL others down...But honestly, can you expect any less from someone so profoundly more important than the masses I must Shepard to the greener pastures that exist only in my well landscaped mind? (migrant workers do great mind work by the way.)

It is now the Holy month of May, Holy only for the sole reason that it is the month of my oft prophecised birth. This Holy May holds an even larger significance due to the fact that in mortal years i will be the wise age of 30...wise only because its me.

My sister has come to town this lovely May 20th! and because her and i share the same parents, but more importantly because I am her brother, she deserves far more respect than any of you. But...if there is only so much respect you can divvy up at any given time remember: Give unto Kevin what is Kevin's, and then you most likely will have no more respect to give. But don't worry, I won't be giving out any respect out to you, so rest easy, or rest in peace.

It just so happens that my Brother Kyle's birthday falls on the day prior to my own. This, obviously, was done on purpose, just like John the Baptist, Kyle's birthday is to prepare the world for my coming. This analogy doesn't work quite so well seeing that I am 3 years older than he is, but you will take what i give you and pretend that it all makes perfect sense. Because it does.

Okay its game time! Guess what i want for my birthday. Go ahead, I'll wait and waste my precious time................ WRONG! What i really want is for you people to stop pestering me, sadly that's unobtainable, so instead I want to see the Milky Way again...

Speaking of the Milky Way. Does it ever bother you that you can't really see it any longer? It bothers me, and that is why it is my birthday wish. Sometimes people ask me if i want that flu that is going around, and i say "swine not." That isn't a true story, but it is a story, much like those behemoth skyscrapers you often see have stories, but those are usually poorly thought out and have a stench like that David Bowien-Hensonian eternal bog. I once thought of a good story, but that's a horse of a different colour, then that crafty wizard stole it from me and now I'm penny-less and he's now in control of Oz. Or was, I'll get back to you on the details, ends up he floated away in a balloon to who knows where. Funny how that one moment you have the power, the next moment... you are nothing but Prince Adam and your cat Cringer is nothing but a cowardly, cowering, lazy, over eating, pantywaist.

I'm getting away from myself...the point of this section of my blog is to comment on how the Milky Way is beyond my eyes to see...sure, you can go into any corner market and stare at the confectionery delight that bares its same name, but its not the same......


Update: 07.27.09

So, yeah my birthday came and went and I was just so caught up in the World's celebration of me that i forgot to finish this entry. OOOooopppss. Anyway, quell the riot and unrest in your mind for I have not raptured into the heavens....yet. Here's hoping i can write some more soon, but honestly don't fast for it...the likelihood's you'll starve.